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21 Holiday Safety Tips

Updated: Dec 8, 2023

21 Holiday Safety Tips from The CRP and Safety Lady

As the holidays approach, the magic and merriment fill our homes, especially for those with little ones scampering about. It's a season of wonder and excitement, but also a time to be extra vigilant to ensure our festivities are as safe as they are joyful. Here are some festive safety tips to keep your holidays merry and bright:

  1. Vigilant Supervision: Keep a watchful eye on infants and toddlers around holiday decorations and activities.

  2. Tree Stability: Secure your Christmas tree firmly to prevent any tipping mishaps.

  3. Safety Gates: Consider a child safety gate as a festive fortress to safeguard your tree from tiny curious hands.

  4. Tree Barrier: Alternatively, erect a barrier around the tree, about 25 to 30 inches high, to keep little ones at bay.

  5. Safe Ornaments: Deck the halls with non-breakable ornaments to minimize injury risks.

  6. Choking Hazard Prevention: Be mindful of small adornments like beads, tinsel, and hooks—these are choking hazards for young children.

  7. Fire-Resistant Trees: If you opt for an artificial tree, ensure it's labeled as fire-resistant.

  8. Cord Safety: Conceal electrical cords with cord covers designed for floor use to prevent trips and tampering.

  9. Fireplace Guarding: Use a safety screen or gate around the fireplace to keep children safe.

  10. Light Checks: Regularly check holiday lights for wear and tear to avoid electrical hazards.

  11. Candle Placement: Place candles well out of the reach of children, ensuring they're never left unattended.

  12. LED Candles: Flameless LED candles are a bright and safe alternative.

  13. Age-Appropriate Gifts: Choose toys and gifts suitable for the child's age to avoid choking risks.

  14. Button Battery Caution: Exercise caution with toys containing button batteries.

  15. Stranger Safety Reminder: Gently remind children about the importance of not talking to strangers or accepting unsolicited gifts.

  16. Allergy Awareness: Be allergy-aware with holiday treats and keep an Epi-Pen nearby for those with food allergies.

  17. Car Seat Check: Ensure that puffy jackets do not interfere with the proper fit of a child's car seat.

  18. Burn Prevention: Keep hot foods and liquids away from table edges to prevent burns.

  19. Emergency Numbers List: Keep a list of emergency numbers handy, including poison control.

  20. Travel First-Aid: If traveling, make sure to have a well-stocked first-aid kit and review safety plans with children.

  21. Carbon Monoxide Safety: Check that carbon monoxide detectors are functioning properly with increased heating appliance use.

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